A Balanced You & the Good Life…

About Your Coach

Helping women experience peace, energy, joy, and wellbeing within their body, mind, spirit, lives and relationship to God is a calling and a passion. I see it as “ripple effect wellness.” The better you feel on the inside and the more connected you are to the Source, the better your life and relationships and career are, the more you can use the gifts and talents that God gave you for a purpose, and the more you can appropriate and experience the freedom & life to the fullest that Jesus said He came for you to have.

We women feel so guilty about spending time, effort or money on feeling better because we think it’s selfish or un-spiritual, yet God is a God of shalom (health, healing, wholeness, peace) and “it is for freedom that Christ set you free.” (Galatians 5:1)

You’re allowed to feel good. It actually reflects and honors God.

My journey has involved many layers. Although I started because I was so uncomfortable in my body, I came to understand and discover holistic wellbeing. You might feel more concerned about your relationship with God or money or technology or time than your relationship with your body right now.

We start from wherever you are, and wherever you’re feeling you need health, wholeness, peace, self-control, healing, or spiritual depth.

I felt alone and overwhelmed at the start. There was a lot of motivational & inspirational content out there but I couldn’t make myself follow through or stay consistent. I was resistant to and afraid of change. As I made slow and steady changes and figured things out, my transformation became obvious and friends asked me for help with their own struggles. I realized just how much of a God-thing it is for me to use what I went through to help others.

That’s why I created my program and services.

I’m so excited for you to be part of it.
♥ Debbie

The 1:1 Coaching Experience Includes

  • starting with an Inquiry Call to assess where you are, what your goals and needs are, and whether we’d be a good fit

  • individualized, personalized guidance, strategy and steps. This isn’t about making sure you drink 8 glasses of water or get 10,000 steps or counting calories or accountability check ins. It’s about listening to you and your story, understanding your priorities and schedule, hearing what your challenges are, and starting with the gentlest, simplest steps that would make the most positive impact on you and your life, then learning to mindfully move forward in your own timing and the ways that work best for you.

  • packages of 10 one-to-one video calls where we’ll utilize whatever techniques will help you and your goals most, including spiritual direction, habit change coaching, mindfulness, neuroscience, somatic / embodiment techniques, breathwork, and accountability.

  • email support to answer your questions and help you keep on track between sessions

When You Prioritize Yourself, You Prioritize Who & What You Love.

This program isn’t for everybody and I make sure on our Inquiry Call that it’s right for you. This is who the program is for…

You’re a spiritual woman who want to incorporate her faith into who she is, what she does and how she feels.

You have a growth mindset and are ready and willing to make changes. You just need the roadmap.

You’re ready to make a commitment to yourself that you’re worth the effort and enough of a reason to make time for

You want to feel consistent, content and confident. To be the woman God made you to be, the woman you want to be for your loved ones and your responsibilities, and to live with more peace within.

You want to finally invest in lasting results

You want to ditch extremes, fads and do-it-yourself tactics that always end in backsliding

There’s no time like the present to prioritize you.