“a healer isn’t someone you go to for healing. a healer is someone who triggers in you, your ability to heal yourself.” -unknown

What People Are Saying


“I’m so glad I started this program. Amazing. I sometimes lack enough superlatives. Nothing else was working. I’ve changed a lot of how I think about myself and food and I’m so grateful for this chance at lasting change. You’ve changed my life.”

— Jan, MA

“I knew how to lose weight. I didn’t know how to change my life. I’ve tried it all before but the changes haven’t been permanent. This is lifelong. There’s no wagon to fall off of. I know what to do.”

— Valerie, VA


“It’s wonderful. I’m so happy I chose this path. Unlike other times when trying to get healthier, I’m not stressed/obsessed about it all the time. I can eat pretty normally/not make huge changes and still see results without thinking about it constantly.”

— Carol, PA

“I can’t say enough good things about Debbie. She has been a listening ear, without judgment, even when I’m being negative. Debbie always has a positive outlook and keeps me moving forward toward achieving my goals. She has gotten me unstuck when I was feeling stuck and gotten me to change habits I wouldn’t have without her encouragement. I always feel motivated after our sessions and ready to take on a new week. I wholeheartedly recommend Debbie as a coach!”

— Lanelle, OH


Before working with Debbie, I wasn’t taking care of myself or listening to what my body was telling me. Even letting others control my time was affecting my health. I’ve learned to make time for myself and give myself permission to do the things I want and need to do! I’ve also learned a lot about how to change my eating habits, meditation, understanding my brain, and not using food as a crutch. I’ve done this too long in my life and it needed to change. To anyone on the fence, don’t be. She can help you!

— Debbie, PA

“This is different from other programs because I now realize it’s about more than calories in, calories out and the numbers on the scale. I get to experience real aha moments and examine my motivations. It fundamentally switched how I approach food choices. I realize how habits are made and that I have a say in it. I also realize that I’m worth it and this is no longer a moment in time but a new timeline for me.”

— Tanya, PA

Are you looking for a breakthrough?

let’s chat!

sign up for a free consultation call! we'll talk about:

* what you want to change
* what you’ve tried
* whether the program is right for you

“You absolutely made good on everything you promised in the beginning! Definitely do this program, it is different than any other program I have done, and I’ve certainly have tried many diets and programs! Your approach is very positive, personal, multi-pronged and leaves no stone unturned! When you stated in the beginning that you teach a way to never backslide, I totally understand that now and I really feel that way. You’ve given us so many tools to use and perspectives in thinking about this process in a positive way that can apply to regular life as well as ‘diet’ life. It’s worth the money because your program is very thorough and you gave me a plan to go forward on my own which is very empowering.”

— Susan, FL


“Being accountable to someone you like and trust played a huge role in following the program for me. Weekly meetings/discussions with Debbie provided the most benefit. She provided the necessary flexibility. . . for example, if one weekly exercise did not truly resonate with me, we would adopt a modified version of the discussion and/or activity. The program was the first key step in changing my behavior in a consistent and long-term manner.”

— Lori, PA

“The biggest surprise is how it changed my mindset. I come from a background of healthy and diverse eating, but after losing a lot of weight with keto and gaining it back, I couldn’t lose weight anymore. I like healthy food and didn’t have a sugar or junk food addiction so I thought the only way to lose weight would be extreme restriction. This program showed me that I didn’t need to do that at all. I learned the system to still enjoy a ‘gourmet’ relationship with food as well as how to rewire my brain to embrace the changes I was making. If you’re tired of all the desperation and yo-yo dieting, this program is for YOU!”

— Shannon, AZ


“Before this program I was experiencing emotional eating. I felt if I ate something it would make me feel better. I was gaining weight and still feeling miserable. My clothes were getting tighter and my energy level was low. I was beginning to not want to go out of the house because I didn’t feel good about my body image. I was lacking energy during my 10-12 hour shifts as a respiratory therapist. I didn’t like how I looked or felt. I lost 14 pounds along with several inches and I’ve gained strength and confidence. The energy is fantastic! I can now make it through long and demanding shifts. Thanks Debbie!”

— Tanya, PA