How I FINALLY Lost Weight Over 40 *Without Dieting*

After turning 40 I felt trapped in steady weight gain, health issues, cravings, and out of control eating. I wasn't doing anything differently to cause this, and nothing I had tried in my younger years worked anymore. If you're trying to figure out the puzzle of weight loss for women over 40 - THAT LASTS, isn't restrictive or miserable, and doesn't demean you as a human being... this video takes you through my weight loss journey, and I share my diet secrets, diet tips that really work, and gives you weight loss inspiration. You'll learn how to lose weight and keep it off in a diet-free, non-diet approach. If you're sick and tired of yo yo dieting or feeling out of control with food, here's how to stop that. Learn how to make peace with food, experience real food freedom instead of always tempted. This is weight loss the healthy way. You got this!

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non-diet weight loss, aging Debbie Thompson non-diet weight loss, aging Debbie Thompson

How to Speed Up Your Metabolism

Almost everyone over the age of 40 that I talk to about health tells me they're frustrated with their weight steadily creeping up, their metabolism slowing way down, and feeling like it's a losing battle.

Well, I've been there! I gained about 15 pounds in the years after hitting 40, and even though I tried hitting the gym and the treadmill and doing "Buns of Steel," my weight only kept going up.

Then at 46 I found the magic formula, and since 2011 I've been successful in steadily losing, then maintaining my weight even though obviously I keep getting older... I've sped my metabolism up, and I wanna tell you 6 potent ways that will actually work to speed yours up too.

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